On this page you’ll find members only content such as reports, surveys and other resources, some of which is only available to IDI Members.

Member Exclusive News

Designing for the Unimagined

In November 2023, we hosted a sold out event with Simon Dixon, Co-Founder DixonBaxi, Cian McKenna, Motion Designer and MaryAnn Bolger, Design Historian who took us through the highs and lows of Designing for the Unimagined. Our speakers showcased their practice and the ways in which they are exploring design in this context. 

The wonderful Mary Ann Bolger’s presentation brought us through the important role of a designer in shaping the world around us. 

Dr Mary Ann Bolger is a design historian who spends a lot of time looking at 1970s Gaelic typefaces and writing about death. She is head of Media Arts at the School of Media at TU Dublin, and was previously lecturer in design history and visual culture in the School of Art & Design. Mary Ann has served on the Professional Panel of the 100Archive and is a judge on both Professional and Graduate IDI Awards. She represented Ireland as ATypI country delegate from 2005 to 2022. With Clare Bell, Mary Ann programmes the GradCAM research group Typography Ireland.

Cian McKenna is an award winning Motion Designer / Director based in Mayo, Ireland. With a background in Graphic Design, Cian's work spans multiple disciplines and client fields from Advertising to Long and Short Form narrative content. 

Simon has run creative agencies for over three decades. His conviction that great thinking and beautifully crafted design make the world a better place remains undimmed. In 2001, Dixon founded DixonBaxi with his business partner Aporva Baxi.

Together they have a global reputation as leading creatives in branding and design, and are sought out by some of the world’s most forward-thinking companies to help them connect with and inspire their audiences. DixonBaxi believes there has never been a greater need to future-proof brands in a world of rapid, constant change.

They’re trusted by Netflix, IMAX, Audible, AC Milan, AT&T, Headspace, The Premier League and British Land. Companies that seek to be bold and challenge convention.

What Clients Think Report Preview, 16th February 2023

Up to the Light’s ‘What Clients Think’ report is an eagerly anticipated annual snapshot of the client/agency relationship.

Design strategist Jonathan Kirk will explore what designers and creatives can do better to master the client/agency relationship including strengthening pitches, collaboration, client growth and retention, based on the 2023 ‘What Clients Think’ report, based on 600 client interviews.

Use the code WCTRP30 on member’s tickets for 100% off until February 14th!

The Future of Work Webinar with Russell Beck Originally took place on the 28th June 2022

What Clients Think Report Preview, 17th February 2022

Up to the Light’s ‘What Clients Think’ report is an eagerly anticipated annual snapshot of the client/agency relationship.

Design strategist Jonathan Kirk will explore what designers and creatives can do better to master the client/agency relationship including strengthening pitches, collaboration, client growth and retention, based on the 2022 ‘What Clients Think’ report, based on 600 client interviews.

Use the code WCTRP30 on member’s tickets for 100% off until January 21st!

Design for All: Universal Design Method Cards

In Nov 2021, a webinar on Universal Design was held. This was as part of a partnership between The Institute Designers Ireland (IDI) and Design Skillnet, in conjunction with the Centre for Excellence in Universal Design (CEUD), and the National Disability Authority (NDA). Universal Design, also called inclusive design or Design for All, is the design and composition of an environment so that it can be accessed, understood and used to the greatest extent possible by all people regardless of their age, size, ability or disability. The Universal Design for All process prioritises the needs of users that have the more diverse abilities and characteristics, by involving users, and by using knowledge about accessibility and usability in its organisational processes and procedures.

Please find below the Universal Design Method Cards made available by the speaker Liz Sanders. We hope they help our members to work on their universal design skills.


Members’ Survey: Returning to Work Post-Covid - August 2021


On the 16th of August 2021 we sent out a survey to all our members, bar those working in education, which asked questions about our members’ workplaces’ plans regarding returning to the office/studio. The survey consisted of questions regarding the type of workplace and different aspects of their projected return-to-work plan. We had heard anecdotally of an uncertainty among our members and the wider public in general regarding future best practices of working post-COVID. We created and sent the survey in order to create an evidence based picture of the landscape of return-to-work plans. Overall response showed not so much a clear best practice as it did confirm the variation of expectations. We imagine that following the Government announcement that in person attendance in offices and other places of work is permitted on a staggered basis, these projected plans will be put into practice. 

 Although this survey does not give a clear indication of best practice, we hope that the variation in responses of your fellow members provides some reassurance. The world of work has changed utterly, we have an opportunity to reflect on and implement the best way of working for our businesses and colleagues, rather than accept the norm previously accepted by all workplaces; whether they be studios or offices, in house, freelance, urban or rural. As restrictions lift and these plans are put into practice, we look forward to supporting our members in this ‘new normal’


Design Practice in Ireland Report - Feb 2021


In February 2021 the IDI and Design Skillnet compiled a detailed report on the need for designers to upskill and to keep pace with workplace change as the definition of what it means to work in Design has evolved. This report presents a compelling and urgent view of the necessity to meet the opportunities in the design sector.